Friday, April 29, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Monday, April 25, 2016
come drive with me.
Todays random fucking ride to get coffee... so my blog has turned part random vlog posts... you like this! xD and if you miss me this should make you feel so much better <3
Sunday, April 24, 2016
what being an "off beat" artist is like.
when people ask what i do for a living i tell them im an artist/photographer. because that is what i do, i don't have a mainstream job and i don't work for "the man". i make about 50 dollars a year off of my art sales. so im not rich or famous and i defiantly couldn't live off of the dough i rake in. i could however buy my kids a dinner out or my husband some new socks. i don't really complain about the fact that i don't roll in riches. because art is naturally what i do. i was born to spew creativity. i do have a couple fans who help support my dreams as an artist, and for those few people i am so grateful.
i have thousands of photographs, literally thousands. i adventure and explore and find places no one sees.. i spend many hours between adventures and going through my photographs. i spend money to have them printed so i can have the physical photographs for sale. I get yelled at because i under charge... by a lot, lol. but i want to share my POV and all the beautiful things i find with everyone!!! i get asked a lot for deals on photo shoots, my paintings, photographs.... i cannot afford to give them out. its just not possible... if it was id sooooooooo give it away! lol
ive even drempt of having a zine, selling them for 2.00 makes me feel bad but ink costs and paper costs.... its fucking expensive to give it away for zero. expensive hobbie is expensive.
i have thousands of photographs, literally thousands. i adventure and explore and find places no one sees.. i spend many hours between adventures and going through my photographs. i spend money to have them printed so i can have the physical photographs for sale. I get yelled at because i under charge... by a lot, lol. but i want to share my POV and all the beautiful things i find with everyone!!! i get asked a lot for deals on photo shoots, my paintings, photographs.... i cannot afford to give them out. its just not possible... if it was id sooooooooo give it away! lol
ive even drempt of having a zine, selling them for 2.00 makes me feel bad but ink costs and paper costs.... its fucking expensive to give it away for zero. expensive hobbie is expensive.
i don't have a target audience. i just sort of hope other people like the sames weirs shit as me. like i cant do a craft show.... its not a craft, and its definitely not the correct audience. flea markets cost much and don town shows are fucking too expensive i wont even make a profit... id lose money.
Its hard to keep a positive outlook, i never get feed back, i don't sell anything, and its depressing. like REALLY REALLY depressing. i already have a messed up way of thinking. the only time i get real feed back is from bands i shot. i have my photographs being used by companies working with these bands ( i dont get paid i get credit though ). but shooting concerts isn't my dream. its fun and i love action shots, and if i got paid to do it ... i wouldn't complain. ( like i am now). the excitement from this kind of feed back is very short lived lol.
i wish i had a less obscure talent. lol!!! meh. i used to romanticize this kind of life, now i wish i could go back and slap the romance out of my younger self. ive lived for art and expression since forever. what a shitty thing to do lol xD im always mad at myself for doing this to myself. lol my husband calls me a non conformist. maybe im just too stubborn to give up on a childhood dream?
maybe i dont make prints of the right stuff? maybe im just garbage at "art" lol maybe i dont make are i make trash? bleh. this is a depressing blog post.
i dunno i think i do ok. i want to do more portraits, but people wont let me shoot them.... is it because i dont have a portrait portfolio? or because i dont charge an arm and a leg? lol 20 bucks for an hour and a shit ton of pictures is... too little? too much? i have ideas constantly.... omg my brain is always thinking of locations, props, models i want to work with ( people i know). no one takes me seriously when i say i want to do this. :/ maybe im a joke?
are all artists not taken seriously? hmm. maybe thats it, do i have to cut my ear off and die in order to be noticed? i dunno i guess art is all relative. i see one thing everyone else sees hot garbage water. ok ok ok im dont with my shitty blog post. sorry if i depressed you, sorry if you wasted your time.
back to life.
i love you.
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Pixie cup review
let me tell you, menstrual cups are amazing. They are great for the enviroment, no chance of TSS, comfortable, save you money, and cleaner than pads and tampons. This would be my second cup and i can tell you its been 2 yrs without tampons and i couldnt be happier. 🤓 people think they are gross but, they are starilized (boiled in hot water) before and after each use. When did you put a sterilized tampon in your vagina? Probably never. Lol and they are not messy the cup holds the blood there isnt blood outside of the cup so the grossout factor is very slim. Easy to use and i love this company! My new cup came with wipes, a travel bag, and clear instruction. Very stoked about this. Its 15.00 and worth every penny. 🖒👍I write honest reviews for companies and in exchange i receive items at a discount. I would never promote products that don't work or Could harm anyone.

review time!
Somasix alphabet magnets
what a fun set of magnets! my sons tore into this set and automatically went to playing and spelling with them on the fridge! my oldest son has issues with with alphabet but these are making him honing his skills so much more fun, i would have not guessed he would have been into them! anyways i always wonder where my boys are and i always find them in the kitchen playing with the magnets! i love it! :) happy mama over here!!!
i received this product at a discount for my honest and unbiased review! i would never give a positive review to a product that didnt deserve it.
update: my kids are still in love with the magnets. spelling games have become a huge deal while i make dinner :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2016
picking up writing again and talking about my life as a fat mom, balancing 3 small children, a husband, being an artist. and other shit.
Weekly blogging is how this will go. It could be a great idea or it could turn into one of my unfinished projects. Lets see where this journey will take us.
My name is Danni, I'm 6ft tall and currently 303lbs. I am called an amazon by other humans, its grown on me and now that's how I identify. When I think about myself I place myself in the group: Gender Fluid Amazon Human. So, if anyone is wondering and has to place me in a category that's it... that's where I sit.
Now that is settled lets move along. Hirsute that's me, I have a beard. I love him and he is key to my gender fluidity. I get asked everyday why I shave it off more than I grow it out. The answer, its my preference. I like my face how I like my face, its rude to ask. I mean, I dont walk up to strangers and ask why they shave their genitals or why they get hair cuts. So everyone gets 1 pass with that question, Only because its just curiosity and they really wanna know. But ask or try to convince me to grow a full beard, I will ignore you. Folks are welcome to touch my beard IF you ask first, there are only 5 humans in the whole world allowed to touch my face ( strictly to touch my beard) and 3 of them use this to touch my face everyday. :) accidents happen and I don't mind if its a friendly face touch/slap but don't just rub my face to feel the hairs.... not gravy. My skin screams ( it hurts lol I shave often and my skin hurts.)
Moving on, I'm almost a month into eating Ketogenic. I love it, Ketogenic is low carbohydrate high fat and then medium protein. I research recipes and cook all the time now, my energy is at an all time high, I sleep like a dead monkey, I haven't binge eaten(yes I have an ED but that's for another blog) in a while! and I haven't starved myself in almost a month. I was a chronic calorie counter, and I starved myself Every. Single. Day. It hurt so bad, I wanted to get better but I was afraid of calories. I don't even look at calories anymore. ** I have to give props to my sister since we've met shes inspired me to do better for me. Watching her grow has made me want to grow as well. She fuels her body and has become such a bad-ass that it has inspired me to follow her. I never met a real person like her and I owe my recent changes to her. ( Okay, Okay yeah i teared up, shut up. I'm just glad we are family now). **ANYWAYS, back to the ketogenic diet, I eat no grains, so in order to fulfill my need for bread I have to make my own grain free options :) I love baking... and when I do well I get all proud and shit lol when I make gross cat poops I try again. Its like the ultimate puzzle for me lol I LOVE PUZZLES!!! so my basic meal is steak or pork or chicken, green veg or peppers, and then avocado salad... holy shit its my favorite lol breakfast is either rocket fuel tea ( matcha with black tea butter coconut oil and a pinch of stevia.) or bulletproof coffee black coffee made in my french press with a tbs of kerrygold butter :) lunch bounces between jerky and fat bombs, or one of my no grain breads/doughs/cookies. lol snacks are fatbombs they are my favorite thing about this eating style lol i dont even feel guilty anymore and i am learning more about my body. ITS NOT FOR EVERYONE. but it makes me happy as fuck :D
I struggle with anxiety and depression, but I feel like that's a whole other blog post. my mental health is not great and i could probably do a whole other blog on my crazy.
This is where I will leave shit. I feel like I've told you a lot. Until next week.
i love you.
My name is Danni, I'm 6ft tall and currently 303lbs. I am called an amazon by other humans, its grown on me and now that's how I identify. When I think about myself I place myself in the group: Gender Fluid Amazon Human. So, if anyone is wondering and has to place me in a category that's it... that's where I sit.
Now that is settled lets move along. Hirsute that's me, I have a beard. I love him and he is key to my gender fluidity. I get asked everyday why I shave it off more than I grow it out. The answer, its my preference. I like my face how I like my face, its rude to ask. I mean, I dont walk up to strangers and ask why they shave their genitals or why they get hair cuts. So everyone gets 1 pass with that question, Only because its just curiosity and they really wanna know. But ask or try to convince me to grow a full beard, I will ignore you. Folks are welcome to touch my beard IF you ask first, there are only 5 humans in the whole world allowed to touch my face ( strictly to touch my beard) and 3 of them use this to touch my face everyday. :) accidents happen and I don't mind if its a friendly face touch/slap but don't just rub my face to feel the hairs.... not gravy. My skin screams ( it hurts lol I shave often and my skin hurts.)
Moving on, I'm almost a month into eating Ketogenic. I love it, Ketogenic is low carbohydrate high fat and then medium protein. I research recipes and cook all the time now, my energy is at an all time high, I sleep like a dead monkey, I haven't binge eaten(yes I have an ED but that's for another blog) in a while! and I haven't starved myself in almost a month. I was a chronic calorie counter, and I starved myself Every. Single. Day. It hurt so bad, I wanted to get better but I was afraid of calories. I don't even look at calories anymore. ** I have to give props to my sister since we've met shes inspired me to do better for me. Watching her grow has made me want to grow as well. She fuels her body and has become such a bad-ass that it has inspired me to follow her. I never met a real person like her and I owe my recent changes to her. ( Okay, Okay yeah i teared up, shut up. I'm just glad we are family now). **ANYWAYS, back to the ketogenic diet, I eat no grains, so in order to fulfill my need for bread I have to make my own grain free options :) I love baking... and when I do well I get all proud and shit lol when I make gross cat poops I try again. Its like the ultimate puzzle for me lol I LOVE PUZZLES!!! so my basic meal is steak or pork or chicken, green veg or peppers, and then avocado salad... holy shit its my favorite lol breakfast is either rocket fuel tea ( matcha with black tea butter coconut oil and a pinch of stevia.) or bulletproof coffee black coffee made in my french press with a tbs of kerrygold butter :) lunch bounces between jerky and fat bombs, or one of my no grain breads/doughs/cookies. lol snacks are fatbombs they are my favorite thing about this eating style lol i dont even feel guilty anymore and i am learning more about my body. ITS NOT FOR EVERYONE. but it makes me happy as fuck :D
I struggle with anxiety and depression, but I feel like that's a whole other blog post. my mental health is not great and i could probably do a whole other blog on my crazy.
This is where I will leave shit. I feel like I've told you a lot. Until next week.
i love you.
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